Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Watch the ‘hearable’ at PNCA 

01 November 2010 12:00:35

Watch the ‘hearable’ at PNCA

Sohail Rashid

ISLAMABAD 01, 11, 2010: An exhibition featuring musical instruments paintings kicked off at Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) on Monday with thrilling performances on the melodies of instruments displayed in the exhibition.

Federal minister for culture, Pir Aftab Shah Jilani inaugurated the exhibition. 47 paintings from two Pakistani visual artists, Amna Ismail Pataudi, a watercolorist and Sana Kazi Khan, a miniature painter, featuring musical instruments have been put on display. Both the painters have diverted the programme towards the flood relief efforts.

The instruments that have been featured in paintings include Sarangi, Aiktara, Guitar, harmonium, ‘tabla’ and violin. The artists have made an effort to show a link between music and paintings.

Earlier before inauguration, a dance and musical show was arranged in which artists enthralls audience with their thrilling performances on ‘sufi’ and traditional music.

While speaking on the occasion, Federal minister and chief guest pir Aftab Shah Jilani said lauded the efforts of PNCA for organizing the exhibition. “It is very pleased to see that most of the musical instruments that have been painted by the artists are Pakistani and sub continental instruments” he said.

Arjentine envoy to Pakistan, Rodolfo J. Martin Saravia was also present on the occasion. He said that he is trying his level best to build more links between his country and Pakistan.

Tauqir A Nasir, D/G PNCA, while delivering his opening note said that music and paintings are two related things and both could be helpful in bringing peace and harmony in the society.

Sana Kazi Khan, the artist said “music is a language that speake to all. And evocative medium that has the power to delight, it touches a chord in every one irrespective of race, colour, creed and faith. This universal heritage that we all share for music promoted me to choose my subject as musical instruments and artists. I am an artist who focuses on precision characteristics of miniature” She further said that painting which is her forte- and she has used this subject to convey this universality that music has with attention to detail.

“Music transcends all borders and its artists and tools have used this ability of music to speak to everyone to convey the universal theme of togetherness” she concluded.